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EVCreations is in a Contest and Needs Your Vote!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fine is looking for the next BIG product to sell on their site, and we are in the running for exciting! We need to get the most votes to be the winner, and we hope we can get votes from our customers (past & present) or anyone who thinks the Wine Bottle Guest Book is a great alternative to a traditional guest book.

We are Product#1: The Guest Wine Bottle (Make sure you mention it in your votes)

How to Vote (You can do one or all)
1. Visit Blog and leave a comment with your vote : Product#1: The Guest Wine Bottle

2. If you have Twitter just tweet "I vote for Product#1: The Guest Wine Bottle #FineTuxedoVote"

3. Write your OWN blog post about the contest and give the link in the comment section!

Thanks for all of your support and wish us luck.

XO EVCreations