What You Need
1. Paint
2. An empty nail polish bottle. We purchased ours at a beauty supply store, but you can just empty out an old nail polish bottle and clean it out with nail polish remover.
3. A syringe, you can get them at your local pharmacy.
The Easy Steps
Take the syringe and fill it with your paint color.
Take the paint filled syringe and slowly push the paint into the empty nail polish bottle. Make sure you do this over paper in case any paint misses the bottle.
Now that you have your paint in the nail polish bottle. Make sure you write the name of the color on the bottom, and what room the paint is used in. This paint color is used on the walls in our whole house, so we just wrote house.

By doing these easy steps while you already have your paint out, when you have paint touch ups in the future there will be no need to pry open an
old can of paint and stir. All you will need to do is shake your paint filled nail polish bottle and
brush on the wall.
We hope you like our paint touch up tip. XO EV